
Protime uses two fonts: the sans serif fonts Poppins and Calibri. Both fonts are free.

The basics

Protime uses two fonts: the sans serif fonts Poppins and Calibri. Use Calibri for long body copy. Use Poppins for all other text, like headings, streamers and quotes. Always align your texts to the left and never justify. We'll give some specific instructions for documents ≤ 297 mm width below.

Calibri comes with every Microsoft Office install. To use Poppins, you have to download the free font from the Google Fonts website.


Typography in print documents ≤​ 297 mm width

Cover Titles

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 40 pt
Leading: 48 pt
Align: left

Cover Subtitles

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 20 pt
Leading: 24 pt
Align: left

Document title

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 60 pt
Leading: 72 pt
Align: left

Subheader 1

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 30 pt
Leading: 36 pt
Align: left

Subheader 2

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 20 pt
Leading: 24 pt
Align: left

Subheader 3

Font: Poppins Bold
Size: 10 pt
Leading: 12 pt
Align: left


Font: Poppins Regular
Size: 14 pt
Leading: 18 pt
Align: left

Streamers and quotes

Font: Poppins Regular
Size: 20 pt
Leading: 24 pt
Align: left

Body text

Font: Calibri
Size: 10 pt
Leading: 12 pt
Align: left


Protime Styleguide2020 Word Content2

Protime Styleguide2020 Word Table Of Content 2

Grid and columns

The leading is always 1.2 times the font size. All text is set on a baseline grid of 12 pt (with the intro as an exception, which is based on a 18 pt grid). For documents or presentations, you can use the full width available after setting the document margins based on the grid. For marketing documents like brochures and leaflets, we recommend using two or three columns. The white space between columns is 1/4 of the document grid.

Protime Styleguide2020 Word Grid 2

Word and Powerpoint

For Word and Powerpoint templates to get you started, have a look at the Templates section.

Protime Styleguide2020 Word Content